PrimaLuna has pioneered numerous technologies to redefine tube amplification. From increased reliability and tube life all the way to our unique, signature sound.
PrimaLuna was founded on the idea of eliminating tube maintenance. We do this by using a true and sophisticated Adaptive AutoBias system while running tubes at the minimum dissipation (power) and giving more slam and bandwidth through superior output transformer design.
PrimaLuna ´s Adaptive AutoBias is a true, smart technology. It employs an array of sensors to monitor tubes and make adjustments seamlessly in real time. Adaptive AutoBias is completely passive and NOT in the signal path. The result is low to no maintenance, long tube life, and the lowest possible distortion for amazing sound.
You spend a lot of money on interconnects. So why have the signal go right from the RCA jacks or speaker terminals into circuit boards with copper traces so thin you can hardly see them? What’s high-end about that?
PrimaLuna employs Point to Point Wiring on all products. The entire signal path, including resistors and capacitors, is painstakingly hand wired with heavy-gauge cable by craftsman.
Featured Products

PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Integrated
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PrimaLuna ProLogue Integrated
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PrimaLuna DiaLogue Integrated
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PrimaLuna ProLogue Classic CD
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